Bring Creativity and Adventure to Kids' Lives During COVID
By Ellen Luborsky, PhD - Is life with kids getting monotonous during the pandemic? Help them discover simple pleasures.
The Waves of Grief
By Betsy Gard, PhD - Navigating the loss of a loved one can feel like being tossed and turned in a raging ocean. These tips and suggestions can help keep you afloat.
The Brave New World of Parenting in the Pandemic
By Ellen Luborsky, PhD - Are you feeling burned out from parenting during this endless pandemic? Take this time to find a new way to be present in your life.
COVID Is Not the Only Public Health Problem Facing America
By Rosemary Tisch - When parents use alcohol and other drugs, kids suffer: There is more stress on parents, which can lead to more child maltreatment.
Making Space for Remembering While Grieving During COVID-19
By Janet Plotkin-Bornstein, PhD - The COVID-19 pandemic can elicit grief for losses past and present. An expert creates a space for remembering as a way to honor those who are gone.
Vicarious Trauma, Mirror Neurons, and COVID-19
By Betsy Gard, PhD - Witnessing others in pain can cause vicarious trauma. What happens when empathy becomes too much? Tips and suggestions for coping and resilience.
What Can I Do if My Family Member Is in the COVID ICU?
By Irina Wen, PhD - Family members of COVID patients in the ICU may feel scared, anxious, and hopeless. These tips can help manage one’s feelings and promote resilience during these difficult times.
3 Ways to Grieve When Your Grief Has No Place to Go
By Patricia A. O’Gorman, PhD - We are all dealing with loss upon loss. The loss of our old life, an anniversary of the death of a loved one, all intensify our professional struggles in helping our patients.
Managing Emotional Distress in the Hospital and ICU
By Ethan Lester, PhD - Just the thought of the ICU can cause emotional distress. A clinical psychologist teaches patients, families and medical caregivers how to cope.
Making an Emotional Recovery Together In the COVID-19 ICU
By Ethan Lester, PhD - Hospitalized patients and families are drastically affected by COVID-19. An ICU psychologist discusses what they can do together to promote emotional recovery.
On the COVID-19 Battlefield
By Patricia A. O’Gorman, PhD - Addiction is the epidemic within the pandemic. A substance abuse expert teaches resilient coping in the face of the trauma of COVID-19.