Communicating and Feeling Understood: Long-COVID Experience
By Robert M. Gordon, Psy.D., Joanna B. Wolfson, Ph.D., & Felicia B. Connor, Psy.D., ABPP-RP - Long COVID and associated conditions (LCAC) is characterized by the persistence of cognitive, physical, and psychological symptoms beyond three months from the onset of the SARS-COV-2 infection.
Cultivating Forgiveness During COVID-19
By Robert M. Gordon, PsyD and Taylor Groth, PhD - As the COVID-19 pandemic shifts into an endemic, individuals are experiencing prolonged feelings of uncertainty, unprocessed grief, and loss, and a high degree of emotional and physical exhaustion.
How to Improve Communication with Your Partner
by Gabriela Nordeman Sumarriva, MA, and Robert M. Gordon, Psy.D.,
Improving communication with your partner can be challenging—especially during times of turmoil, like the post-pandemic transition. These strategies can help you deal with uncertainty together.
Sustaining Hope in Pediatric Care During COVID-19
By Robert M. Gordon, Psyd, Taylor Groth, MS, and Sara Schapiro, MS - Parenting children with medical conditions during COVID-19 is challenging. Here are tips to sustain hope.
Surviving and Thriving as a Couple in the Pandemic
By Irina Wen - The pandemic has put many intimate relationships to the test. Learn how to protect your relationship from conflict and promote better communication.
Turn Play Into a Way to Understand Children in the Pandemic
By Ellen B. Luborsky, PhD - How can play help a child shed stress and feel understood? This short-but-true story shows how.
Children at Risk for Maltreatment During COVID-19 Pandemic
By Christina Rodriguez, PhD - Children may be hidden victims during the pandemic. Two new studies reveal how parenting under pandemic-related stress may be undermining children’s safety.
Decode the Message in Your Child's Behavior
By Ellen Luborsky, PhD - Are you fed up with your child’s difficult behavior? Discover a new way to understand it.
Bring Creativity and Adventure to Kids' Lives During COVID
By Ellen Luborsky, PhD - Is life with kids getting monotonous during the pandemic? Help them discover simple pleasures.
The Waves of Grief
By Betsy Gard, PhD - Navigating the loss of a loved one can feel like being tossed and turned in a raging ocean. These tips and suggestions can help keep you afloat.
The Brave New World of Parenting in the Pandemic
By Ellen Luborsky, PhD - Are you feeling burned out from parenting during this endless pandemic? Take this time to find a new way to be present in your life.
COVID Is Not the Only Public Health Problem Facing America
By Rosemary Tisch - When parents use alcohol and other drugs, kids suffer: There is more stress on parents, which can lead to more child maltreatment.