The Impact of Unprocessed Grief and Loss During COVID-19
By Robert M. Gordon, Psy.D., and Elizabeth Malkin, MA, MSCP. - In the past 3 ½ years, we have experienced an incomprehensible level of unprocessed grief and loss over the number of people who have died due to COVID-19. Many individuals helplessly witnessed loved ones die alone in hospitals and nursing homes without the normal healing mourning rituals. Imagining the enormity of these losses is “like looking directly into the sun for too long; although the image persists, one must nonetheless turn away for protection” (Gensler et al., 2002, p. 96).
Healing Moral Injury in the Age of COVID-19
By Clint Hougen, Ph.D., Robert M. Gordon, Psy.D., and Carolyn M. Springer - Much has been written about the experience of moral distress among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there has been considerable emphasis on frontline workers, including physicians, nurses, and hospital staff, it is also important to consider the mental healthcare workers, who found themselves at similar risk of moral distress or injury.
Navigating the Fog of Long COVID
By William Tsang, PsyD, Robert M. Gordon, PsyD, and Elina Talis, PsyD - Long COVID and associated conditions (LCAC) can affect many systems in the body. It is characterized by the persistence of symptoms including exhausting fatigue, neurocognitive difficulties such as mental fog, chest and muscle pain, and weakness, as well as anxiety and depression lasting beyond three months from the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis (Peter, et al., 2022; De Luca et al., 2022).
Are Active Shooter Drills Traumatizing Your Child?
By: Patricia A. O’Gorman, PhD - Research is finding that it is not just COVID-19 and school lockdowns that are leading to increased anxiety and self-medicating in youth, but active shooter drills are also prime contributors.
The Return to School: Tips for Parents of Anxious Children
by Dr. Allison Winik
Is your child nervous about returning to school? Follow these steps to support them as they adjust back to in-person learning this fall.
COVID-19 Overwhelm: Self-Care for Abuse Survivors
By Denise Bossarte - Abuse survivors are often triggered during the pandemic. A survivor of childhood sexual abuse shares research-based self-care practices to reduce the overwhelm.
Suicide by Intentional Overdose in Children
By Patricia A. O’Gorman - Simple steps we can take during this addiction epidemic within the pandemic to detect teens at risk for suicide.
Children at Risk for Maltreatment During COVID-19 Pandemic
By Christina Rodriguez, PhD - Children may be hidden victims during the pandemic. Two new studies reveal how parenting under pandemic-related stress may be undermining children’s safety.
Existential Interventions During the Age of COVID
By Robert Gordon, PsyD - Life-threatening illness can be a catalyst for thinking about life’s meaning. Here are existential strategies to promote hope, growth, and purpose in patients and therapists.
The Waves of Grief
By Betsy Gard, PhD - Navigating the loss of a loved one can feel like being tossed and turned in a raging ocean. These tips and suggestions can help keep you afloat.
The Brave New World of Parenting in the Pandemic
By Ellen Luborsky, PhD - Are you feeling burned out from parenting during this endless pandemic? Take this time to find a new way to be present in your life.
Making Space for Remembering While Grieving During COVID-19
By Janet Plotkin-Bornstein, PhD - The COVID-19 pandemic can elicit grief for losses past and present. An expert creates a space for remembering as a way to honor those who are gone.
What Can I Do if My Family Member Is in the COVID ICU?
By Irina Wen, PhD - Family members of COVID patients in the ICU may feel scared, anxious, and hopeless. These tips can help manage one’s feelings and promote resilience during these difficult times.
3 Ways to Grieve When Your Grief Has No Place to Go
By Patricia A. O’Gorman, PhD - We are all dealing with loss upon loss. The loss of our old life, an anniversary of the death of a loved one, all intensify our professional struggles in helping our patients.
Managing Emotional Distress in the Hospital and ICU
By Ethan Lester, PhD - Just the thought of the ICU can cause emotional distress. A clinical psychologist teaches patients, families and medical caregivers how to cope.
Making an Emotional Recovery Together In the COVID-19 ICU
By Ethan Lester, PhD - Hospitalized patients and families are drastically affected by COVID-19. An ICU psychologist discusses what they can do together to promote emotional recovery.
On the COVID-19 Battlefield
By Patricia A. O’Gorman, PhD - Addiction is the epidemic within the pandemic. A substance abuse expert teaches resilient coping in the face of the trauma of COVID-19.