What to Say When There Are No Words
By Elizabeth Malkin, MA, MSCP, and Robert M. Gordon, Psy.D. - Mental health professionals are confronting challenges in their clinical practice stemming from unprocessed grief and loss for themselves and their clients associated with COVID-19. These challenges are further compounded by heightened polarization and ongoing wars in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza that have eroded a sense of safety and security worldwide.
How Everyone Was Transformed by the Pandemic
By Evelyn Rappoport, Psy.D. & Robert M. Gordon, Psy.D. - The long-term impact of COVID is beginning to be recognized and identified. The pandemic was a sudden, unexpected, and existentially shattering experience for many individuals, resulting in worldwide questioning of our sense of safety, certainty, and security (Hoffman, 2021).
When Working with Cancer Patients Is Traumatic
by Soffía Pálsdóttir, Psy.D. - The backbone of a physician is resiliency. Although resiliency can help one rebound from adversity, it does not provide immunity from emotional and psychological distress. Physicians experience high rates of burnout, compassion fatigue, depression, and anxiety (McFarland et al., 2019). Tragically, physicians also have among the highest rates of suicide of any profession, with approximately one physician committing suicide every day (Petersen et al., 2016).
How Volunteering to be in a Vaccine Study Gave Me Hope
By Betsy Gard, PhD - We all have a unique opportunity to help stop the spread of COVID by being altruistic, listening to science, and having the courage to take the novel vaccine.
The Collective Trauma of the Black Community in 2020
By Traci Gardner, MD and Jeremy Christopher Kohomban, PhD - Implications for COVID vaccines
What Can I Do if My Family Member Is in the COVID ICU?
By Irina Wen, PhD - Family members of COVID patients in the ICU may feel scared, anxious, and hopeless. These tips can help manage one’s feelings and promote resilience during these difficult times.
Managing Emotional Distress in the Hospital and ICU
By Ethan Lester, PhD - Just the thought of the ICU can cause emotional distress. A clinical psychologist teaches patients, families and medical caregivers how to cope.
Making an Emotional Recovery Together In the COVID-19 ICU
By Ethan Lester, PhD - Hospitalized patients and families are drastically affected by COVID-19. An ICU psychologist discusses what they can do together to promote emotional recovery.
The Psychological Trauma of Having a Loved One in the ICU
By Maureen O’Reilly-Landry, PhD - The miracles of modern medicine can save countless lives. But they also leave space for psychological trauma. Here is one mother's story of her son in the ICU.
When Pandemic Trauma Hits Home
By Maureen O’Reilly-Landry, PhD - What does psychological trauma look like during a pandemic? Inspired by family on the front lines, a psychologist finds her own mission to spread the word on coping and resilience.