Compassionate Leadership During COVID-19
By Felicia B. Connor, Psy.D. (ABPP-RP) and Robert M. Gordon, PsyD - COVID-19 has caused unprecedented challenges for leaders across all industries during the past two years. Our prolonged experience of uncertainty, unpredictability, and threat has led to physical and psychological exhaustion, which we might feel for years to come.
Stress-Management Strategies for Healthcare Workers
By Rita M. Rivera, MS and Denise Carballea, MS - These strategies can help healthcare workers reduce overall stress and burnout.
Existential Interventions During the Age of COVID
By Robert Gordon, PsyD - Life-threatening illness can be a catalyst for thinking about life’s meaning. Here are existential strategies to promote hope, growth, and purpose in patients and therapists.
Vicarious Trauma, Mirror Neurons, and COVID-19
By Betsy Gard, PhD - Witnessing others in pain can cause vicarious trauma. What happens when empathy becomes too much? Tips and suggestions for coping and resilience.
3 Ways to Grieve When Your Grief Has No Place to Go
By Patricia A. O’Gorman, PhD - We are all dealing with loss upon loss. The loss of our old life, an anniversary of the death of a loved one, all intensify our professional struggles in helping our patients.